
Jagan enthusiastic

Published on Jun 07 2013 // Featured, Political News

Hyderabad : Y S Jaganmohan Reddy looked very enthusiastic when he came to the CBI special court on Friday, in connection with the Dalmia chargesheet.

He wore an impeccable rose-colour half sleeves shirt and was all smiles when she boarded the vehicle at the jail and alighted from it at the court. He greeted everyone with folded hands and a smile on his face. He shook hands with his lawyers. He hugged his mother Vijayamma, who shed tears. He consoled her. It is six months since Jagan came out of the jail. He last came out in December last year, when he attended the court.

Demand for KVP’s arrest

Some lawyers have staged a demonstration at the court, demanding the arrest of Rajya Sabha member K V P Ramachandra Rao, who was the adviser of the government during the rule of Dr. Y S Rajasekhara Reddy. The lawyers questioned why he was not being arrested though it was he who was the brain behind all the deals during the YSR rule.

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