
How dare you call me uncle?

Published on Jun 13 2013 // Featured, Political News

Hyderabad : TDP chief Chandra Babu Naidu refused to meet minister Sridhar Babu and government chief whip Gandra Venkata Ramana Reddy who came to his chamber on Thursday after the Assembly was adjourned.

TRS has been stalling the Assembly since the last three days, demanding that a resolution on Telangana be passed. The two Congress leaders went to Naidu’c chamber to talk to him about the impasse. As Naidu refused to meet, the two talked to TDP whip Dhoolipala Narendra and left.

There is reason for Naidu so discourteously refusing to meet the Congress leaders. On Wednesday Congress senior leader J C Diwakar Reddy also met Naidu on the same issue. Stating that he had not seen a worse situation in the Assembly during the past 30 years, JC requested Naidu to control the TRS and ensure that the House runs properly.

After JC came out of CBN’s chambers media asked him what transpired between him and the TDP chief. JC jokingly said Naidu was Congress party’s maternal uncle (Menamama) and he could meet his uncle any time. Media wrote about this and Naidu became furious.

It may be recalled that JC used the term ‘Mamayya’ when Naidu took decision not to support the no-confidence motion of the TRS. JC then said Naidu was Congress party’s maternal uncle (Menamama) and save it whenever it faced trouble.

Reacting angrily to his being described as Menamama, Naidu told his party leaders not to allow any Congress men into his chambers.

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