

Published on Sep 25 2013 // Political News

For fifteen months and twenty-five days to be precise, we found ourselves groping our way through encircling darkness, with God by our side and with His name constantly on our lips. Today, we bow our heads to Him in prayer and Thanksgiving for this victory. For all the love and support that they have shown us all these days, I thank the people of this state from the bottom of my heart with folded hands and my head bowed.

All through this period, people I met echoed the same thought wherever I went—be it a supermarket, at my children’s school, at the church or elsewhere. “We like Jagan Sir immensely; who would champion our cause as he does; when will Jagan Sir get bail and rejoin us; don’t worry madam we’re all praying for Jagan Anna ……”
Each time Jagan’s bail petition came up for hearing, people felt as anxious as I did; they treated it as one of the foremost problems in their lives. When I rejoiced at the news of Jagan having been granted bail, their joy too knew no bounds. They responded to the news that Jagan is coming home just as they would celebrate the homecoming of one of their own. They shared our sorrow; they wrote letters whenever I did, overwhelmed as I was with pain and anxiety. When I see this humbling groundswell of love and affection for us—there is only one question that comes to my mind, what is it that binds the masses to us? Why do the people of this state shower their affection on us to such an extent? The answer is God’s grace and the three letters—YSR!
In truth, the three letters that stand for YSR turned the entire State into our extended family! After his untimely demise, Jagan became a part of this large family and treated every individual as a member of his own family.  He decided to stand by every single person in this large family. He told the people of the state that he would always stand by them.  No wonder Jagan is treated as one of their own by every household across the state.  That’s why millions of people shower their love and affection on Jagan!
If we, the three women of the household, could stand up to the conspiracies of the State and Central governments and the relentless petty scheming of stalwarts from all sides, it is God alone who gave us the strength to do so. God stood by my mother-in-law, by me and my two children and Sharmila. It was God who took pity on us and extricated us from our troubles. It is God who filled our house with luminous light once again! Finally I would once again thank the millions and millions of people who stood by us unflinchingly through this period and poured their love and affection unconditionally on us. I bow my head to God in thankfulness!

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