Arjun Singh’s Reveals PV’s Anti Sonia Stance
Published on Jul 05 2012 // Political News
Why should the Congress party be hitched to the Nehru-Gandhi family like train compartments to the engine?
This was the question PV Narasimha Rao asked when the suggestion that Sonia be made Congress Cheif was first made in May 1991. Congress leader Arjun Singh’s autobiography “A Grain of Sand in the Hourglass of Time” revelas this and other interesting aspects about PV’s opposition to Sonia Gandhi.
Singh, who passed away on March 4th last year left the 383 page book unfinished. It is now due for publication with the help of co-author Ashok Chopra. The book reveals that PV “burst out in anger and yelled” when the suggestion was made.
The Congress party however has refused to comment on these revelations. ”The book has not been released as yet. When it is released, we will see what it carries,” said the party spokesperson Rashid Alvi.
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