

Published on Oct 02 2013 // Featured, Political News

Happy birthday Bapu! The United Nations General Assembly announced on 15 June 2007 that it adopted a resolution which declared that October 2 will be celebrated as the International Day of Non-Violence.

Gandhi Jayanti is marked by prayer services and tributes all over India, especially at Raj Ghat, Gandhi’s memorial in New Delhi where he was cremated. Popular celebration includes prayer meetings, commemorative ceremonies in different cities by colleges, local government institutions and socio-political institutions. Painting and essay competitions are conducted and best awards are awarded for projects in schools and the community, on themes of glorifying peace, non-violence and Gandhi’s effort in Indian Freedom Struggle. Usually, Gandhi’s favourite devotional song, Raghupathi Raghava Rajaram is sung in memory of him.Mahatma Gandhi’s ideals and principles have never ceased to inspire the world. “Be the change that you want to see in the world,” he said and lived by those words. Now, on his birth anniversary, let’s go beyond what the world knows about him. When the whole of India celebrated Independence on August 15, 1947, Mahatma Gandhi spent the day fasting in Kolkata, as he was not happy with the partition.Gandhi was once unemployed. When he returned to India from London after completing a law course in 1891, he didn’t find a suitable job as a lawyer. Two years later, he went to South Africa, where he got a job on contract by an Indian company. Gandhi was a man of peace, but he never won the Nobel Peace Prize. Despite his nominations in 1937, 1938, 1939 and 1947, he never got it. He was also nominated in 1948, the year he was assassinated by Nathuram Godse. The Nobel committee, which disagreed on awarding him posthumously, didn’t bestow it to anyone that year saying there was no suitable candidate.Contrary to his outspoken and courageous demeanor, Gandhi as a kid was shy and introvert. After school, he would run back home as he didn’t like to talk to anyone. Gandhi’s Civil Disobedience Movement was inspired by the teachings of Henry David Thoreau, an American author, who lived on the shores of a sea like a hermit and refused to pay taxes.Gandhi loved walking and often called it the prince of exercises. As a student in London, he saved money by walking couple of miles every day. Not to forget, during the Dandi March in 1930, he, at 60, walked 241 miles to the sea at Dandi.He was very conscious of his diet. As as a principle, he would live for days on fruits and goat’s milk. Friday is an eventful day. Gandhi was born on Friday. India got its independence on Friday. Gandhi was assassinated on Friday.Gandhi’s was a child marriage. He was 13 years old when he married Kasturba, who was 14,in 1883.Everywhere he went, Gandhi carried a set of false teeth in the fold of his loin cloth and would use it only while eating.

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