
Pawan Kalyan’s memories are Renu Desai’s strength

Published on Oct 15 2013 // Movie News

Renu DesaiPawan Kalyan’s estranged wife, is standing tall with the strength of her abilities. Setting up a production house and being a woman boss in a male dominated industry is not an easy task. Showing she is strong, Renu has shared with the media that she draws her strength from what Pawan taught her.

Despite much speculation, no one knows for sure what is happening in Pawan’s marital life. There are wild rumors that the couple are divorced, but some others suggest that they are merely separated. Rumors aside, Pawan and Renu are not as attached as they looked before. They had one of those unique relationships where love conquered all.

From the days of a live in relationship to the time they married, it was all about the love. Then came the distance that grew with time. Now, she is producing a Marathi film, but is very grateful to Kalyan, as she calls him, for allowing her the exposure to learn about the film industry. Renu Desai says that it is because of Pawan’s help in imparting film-making knowledge that made her realize her production plans.

Renu even went on to say she doesn’t start anything before she talks to the actor. Her words have suggested that the bond is very much there. Though Powerstar is not involved with her production house, his opinions still count, she shared. The love is still present in her heart, but everyone wants to know what Pawan Kalyan feels.

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