
Kareena Kapoor doesn’t consider Priyanka Chopra as competitor

Published on Jun 20 2012 // Movie News

Kareena Kapoor recently said that she does not look Priyanka Chopra as competition. And before you jump into any conclusions, let us tell you that Kareena Kapoor is not taking a dig a Priyanka Chopra. What she meant to say was that Priyanka Chopra is more like a colleague and friend than a competitor.

Interestingly, not long ago, Priyanka Chopra made a short visit at Heroine‘s set to meet Kareena and Madhur Bhandharkar. Priyanka wrote on Twitter, “ ”Hopped in on @mbhandarkar268 s set of heroine and hung out with Bebo and my entire fashion team..such fond memories..”

If we recall correctly Kareena Kapoor had once said on Koffee With Karan, ” I wonder where Priyanka got her accent from?

In reply to Kareena’s remark Priyanka said on the same show, “: “I want to tell Kareena that I got my accent from the same place where her boyfriend (Saif Ali Khan) got his.”

Hmm…Looks like it’s the season of kiss and patch up in Bollywood!

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